Sunday, January 21, 2007

Chapter 1, verses 1-3: Mary is Chosen

1. And so it was that God had let people get on with it for several years and decided therefore that it was time to get involved once more. And so he said, Gabriel, I really must stick with projects when I start them, is Earth still going strong? and Gabriel replied, My Lord, the Earth is currently one of the best planets in the Milky Way, but the people upon it could do with some guidance. And God replied, Guidance you say, but what can I do? I'm a big puffy white cloud.

2. Gabriel nodded and replied, you should send your son down to guide mankind into goodness. God looked under his chair and said, I don't seem to have a son, how can I go about making one? and Gabriel replied, mankind tend to have sex when they want a child, but because you are a cloud I suspect that option is closed to you. And God replied, I can pretty much do what I want, I'm God, but I don't fancy going near a woman's genitals, so I'll pick a woman at random and pop a little boy in her tum-tum just like magic. And he closed his eyes and put his finger on a map of the world and it landed on Mary, a woman who lived in Jerusalem.

3. That's a shame, Gabriel said, all the action seems to happen around there and I was hoping for somewhere new like Mexico. But there we have it, I will go and tell Mary to expect a baby who will be the son of God and saviour of mankind, unless you want to do it? but God had already fallen asleep so Gabriel was a little bit pissed off but went to Mary anyway.

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